1870 cabin

Don Fischer

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 6, 2016
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Was out Monday and ended up finding this old cabin by accident. Old building I'd always wanted to photograph and spotted a barn out back that looked promising. Owner was there so went and asked if it was altigh, sure. Well got behund the old house and saw tihs beautiful little cabin, had ti shoot it. Asked the owner aabout it. I was built in 1870 and his grand daughter was born in the cabin. Huh, if only old places could talk!


Printed it in B&W and think I'll give the owner a copy for his grand daughter! I have found that giving owner's copy'ds of photo 's I take of their places really opens doors!
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What's up Don? I like how you didn't over-produce this shot. I think its strength lies in its being ordinary. Nice catch.
What's up Don? I like how you didn't over-produce this shot. I think its strength lies in its being ordinary. Nice catch.
Thank you!

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