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WWII minesweeper - needs a little work

Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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The USS Inaugural sitting in the Mississippi, St Louis, MO
"The ship was decommissioned in 1946 and set up as a museum ship in St. Louis, Missouri in 1968. In the flood of 1993, Inaugural was ripped from her mooring and grounded a mile downstream. As of February 2013 the hulk was still sitting on the Missouri side of the river. The nearest address is: 100 Convent Street, St. Louis, however the wreckage is on the actual riverfront."


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Sad/weird. That it's not an obvious navigational hazard probably explains the "R.I.P." approach?
Nice image! Hopefully they pumped the fuel and oil out, otherwise the tanks will rust through and start leaking.
I'm sure they got the fuel out if there was any left when it was moored up stream. Looks like there were attempts at dismantling.
I'm sure they got the fuel out if there was any left when it was moored up stream. Looks like there were attempts at dismantling.
The USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor is still leaking oil, which is why I was curious if they had mitigated that with the mine sweeper.
Will it start? haha
Ah yes, back in the day ..... when I was a lot younger, and dummer, I would have looked at it as a Fixer Upper.:chuncky:

well it is still a Photo Op.

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