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wooooo the kid did it !!!!


TPF Noob!
Dec 2, 2011
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Toledo, Ohio
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so, the youngin is in several orchestras. but her favorite by far is the Toledo International Youth Orchestra.

this group of musicians from around the city, travel every year to another country to "Bridge Cultural Differences Through Music"

Last year was her first year with this group, and She went on a two week concert tour with the orchestra. 1 week in Japan, 1 week in South Korea.

they went to the imperial palace, they visited monasteries, they went to Mayor's offices. They performed concerts with their Japanese and Korean counterparts. They made new friends. They shadowed their new orchestra friends at school for a day. They visited Hiroshima on the 4th of July. They saw the devastation from the earthquake (their trip was 1 month after the quake.)

and most of all, They traveled and enjoyed an opportunity that many will never have.

This year, the Orchestra is traveling to Lima, Peru. They'll be visiting the city. Meeting, and Playing with Lima Youth Orchestra. They'll visit the church of San Francisco (a church and monastery (circa 1674) known for its catacombs that contain the remains of more than 70,000 people.) And, Machu Pichu !! and many more things that the group is still organizing.

This trip was going to be a struggle for me to pay for, as all parents are responsible for their own children s travel money.

The orchestra has a scholarship they split between two students each year. It's in the memory of a former member of the orchestra, who in 2010, when she was only 15, was crossing the street to get on the bus one morning. A woman, texting on her cell phone, failed to stop for the bus, struck and killed Morgan instantly.

It was one month before the orchestra's 3 week trip to Germany, France, & Poland. A trip Morgan was scheduled to go on.

well, this year, the students applying for the scholarship had to submit a minimum 500 word essay, explaining how their involvement in the orchestra has changed their lives, and the lives of others. How their volunteer activities have enriched their lives and the lives of others. (Asia's essay was 954 words)

they had to do provide a part two, that explained how going on THIS trip would enrich their life. AND, how would they Honor Morgans memory if they went on this trip.

They had to submit a third part, listing all of their orchestra involvements, and all of their volunteer activities (no paid gigs)

And finally, the parents had to write a short essay explaining what the trip meant to us, what it meant to our kids, and why we need or deserve help with the trip.

as you may have guessed... i wrote all this, just to say that SHE GOT THE SCHOLARSHIP !!!!

we received the phone call at 8 tonight, and we've been on the phone with people ever since lol !!

//end extremely proud father rant.//

i wonder if she'll put her new DSLR to good use at 8,000 feet above sea level !!
That's fantastic news!!!! Looking forward to seeing the photos that she brings back from the trip :)
Congratulations to her! That is wonderful new.. you should be very proud! :)
Way to make my Youth Orchestra look boring!

That is quite an accomplishment, glad to see you fostering that love for music :)
Great news to hear and hope she has a fantastic time on the trip!! :)
That is awesome man! You should be proud. Your little girl (well, she once was little) has earned herself a once in a lifetime type of trip! Nice!
:cheers: Good for her.
thanks everyone!!

i've been blessed to have been able to afford her opportunities that many kids will never have.

at age 16, she'll now have visited 16 states, the Dominican Republic 3 times for a week each. Japan for a wek. South Korea for a week. and Now Peru for 9 days.

not to many adults will even do that.

at her age, she is thankful, and she loves it. but, as she gets older, i think that's when it will really sink in, as to just how fortunate she's been.

but, she definitely puts her work in.

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