What is your experience regarding updates by APPLE?

gk fotografie

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Jun 13, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm starting to get sick of the enormous flow of Windows updates that, much more often than years ago, completely mess up all kinds of settings, erase items completely or suddenly change the color and design of maps, buttoms, text etc.

After yesterday's update by Microsoft, a photo editing program suddenly had stopped working, the general color of all pages was changed in a black background, instead of the chosen default white preference, plus the complete structure/layouts of all my folders and sub-folders in the so-called library changed to something I didn't want at all, strangely enough the screen (photo) background I chose was suddenly gone and nowhere to be found on my laptop.

This makes me very tired, because this year I've already had to restore everything three times. It's also remarkable that more and more parts in Windows 11 can no longer be restored as an option. Microsoft Windows has been an annoyance to me for quite long and I have been thinking about switching to Apple for some time now, but I don't know exactly what Apple's approach to updates is and whether it causes the same kind of damage Windows11 does after each update?

Since December last year I've almost abandoned 'photography' out of my life after 56 years and have moved on to digital art and design.
It's my intention to buy several, quite expensive CAD/CAM programs, take several courses and to be honest I don't find Windows reliable enough to use.
Years ago I also ran Linux on a desktop for a while, but I'm not convinced of it and ultimately the choice remains for Apple, I guess...
I also doubt whether I will go back to a desktop after years, what would be your opinion of an Apple desktop compared to a laptop?

It's clear to me that several members here on the forum use an Apple and I'm actually curious how satisfied or dissatisfied everyone is with his or her Apple equipment. Thanks in advance for your input!

I have never really had any update issues with any of my apple devices including the 2 MacBook Pro's and 4 MacBook airs.
Now having said this I NEVER download the latest updates right away since there is no company out there that doesn't push updates that really aren't ready for the consumer. So I'm usually one update behind the problems.
It's also remarkable that more and more parts in Windows 11 can no longer be restored as

I've noticed this. Fortunately I haven't had many problems with windows updates. I have had problems with LR and PS updates until I learned to wait a little bit till I got the update driver from NVIDIA for the graphics card.
I deal with many computers ... my home ones are stuck at Windows 10 cause they do not have the HW support ... my work ones did upgrade to Windows 11 and I have to say, I don't like it and did cause issues with some of the older Apps that we used.
My home MacBook Apps work fine even after upgrading MacOS versions ... my Linux systems do like to upgrade everything at once, so things don't tend to run into incompatiblity issues.
I've been really happy with my Apple desktop (27" iMac) until recently, where updates started to break things or not support my hardware. After 8 years, the system, itself still works great; plenty of memory, fast SSD, runs all of my applications just fine. But recent updates to Adobe applications started breaking things. Anything that used GPU acceleration got glitchy. Parts of the user interface didn't work quite right. Microsoft Office told me it can no longer update until I upgrade to the latest MacOS. And the straw that broke the camel's back was when I learned the latest version of MacOS does not officially support my hardware, meaning the clock is ticking.

Have I experienced the same issues you described? Absolutely not. Everything "just works", and I rarely have to think about it. Until I do.
Have used both platforms but have chosen apple products for the past 20 odd years. Did have problems with recent upgrades that had some software not working but it was resolved eventually as it always is. Would not consider anything else but Apple, due to aesthetics and work flow. Apple do shoot themselves in the foot though, expensive and not value for money, not able to do upgrades after purchase, they have it wrapped up. Despite this we would purchase their latest monitor and model combination, though we are still on an iMac 2017 model and it runs fine. We will need to update soon but it will be done without hesitation.
Never had an issue with OS-X or updates. Hardware, on the other hand ...
When I replaced the laptop, I ended up going with a Dell. The price was righht, I'm used to Windows and I didn't want to wait for a Mac. Maybe I'll grab an iMac as a main machine,before I retire.
I’ve been using Apple MacBook since 2020 with no complaints around updates or anything else really.
They all have their issues of one stripe or another.

Windows update has to account for unlimited software and hardware, they let anyone make things that run on their OS. Makes it difficult to keep up with it all.

Apple restricts software and hardware vendors very strictly. Makes updates less painful. But it limits what software you can choose from. You might have trouble finding the CAD/CAM software you want that runs on a Mac.
I would like to thank everyone for the feedback and any new insight on my part, my choice has been made for an Apple computer, probably a desktop that I will use for specific purposes in the coming years.

They all have their issues of one stripe or another.

Windows update has to account for unlimited software and hardware, they let anyone make things that run on their OS. Makes it difficult to keep up with it all.

Apple restricts software and hardware vendors very strictly. Makes updates less painful. But it limits what software you can choose from. You might have trouble finding the CAD/CAM software you want that runs on a Mac.
I've decided to buy an Apple computer for the summer and use it mainly for graphics, design and photo editing programs.
I'll use my current computer (less than 3 years old) with Linux Mint instead of Windows. I don't dare switch to Linux at the moment, although I know that you can use Windows and Linux at the same time (but I've had problems with such a switch years ago), will mainly use that computer for e-mail messages, visiting forums, banking etc.

For Mac, with the exception of a few free photo programs, I can actually get the software I want. I've decided to start with software from Rhinoseros and, if necessary, a subscription to AutoCad. I want to use it mainly for jewelry designs and have had a demonstration with some goldsmiths and given what is possible with Rhinoseros software, I think this is sufficient for me for the time being.
As for the Adobe suite with Photoshop etc. I'm even thinking of switching to the Affinity software package completely, my interest in digital photography is very limited these days and what I still do digitally - fisheye photos, infrared photography and digital art - can be edited very well with Affinity Photo, as I've experienced some time ago.

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