Turtle Nest


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Mar 29, 2016
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I've walked the woods since a I was a small child, but I was this past week old when I first saw a turtle laying eggs...not once but twice this past week. I was amazed not only by the process but how carefully she camouflaged the nest after. Within a few mins, I would never have seen the nest if I didn't know it was there.


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Wonderful! I grew up in Florida near the beach, so I got to see the sea turtles lay their eggs, and the hatching. Fascinating stuff.
You gonna watch over the nest, brilliant find?
Now that a few days have passed, I know the general area of the nest, but the exact location is no longer discernable.

Wonderful! I grew up in Florida near the beach, so I got to see the sea turtles lay their eggs, and the hatching. Fascinating stuff.

I've never seen a nesting sea turtle either, but we're 6 hrs from the gulf. The fascinating part for me was everything was in slow motion, with deliberately precise movements.
Nice use for a trail camera, though I'd guess the down-angle might be a challenge.
Nice use for a trail camera, though I'd guess the down-angle might be a challenge.

I have one, though haven't had it up in a couple years. Wouldn't have worked here as the nest was out in the middle of a mowed field.
I have one, though haven't had it up in a couple years. Wouldn't have worked here as the nest was out in the middle of a mowed field.
Ah. You'd have to put in a post - troublesome.
Nice one. I witnessed this the first time this year also.

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