Tree People


TPF Noob!
Jan 17, 2011
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Today while driving down a winding road, I notice a bunch of commotion by the lake. Like any driver, my neck was stretched beyond its limits just to see what was going on. It's not often that the tree people come out so openly, so for me it was a spectacle to see. I was polite enough not to distract them, if only as a courtesy for nature, as I captured their sacred moments. I stayed for a while observing them but left shortly thereafter so that I would not wear out my welcome. Enjoy

Interesting indeed and the story line amusing. The subject blends into the composition to much.
I find myself a fool; what is going on; what is tree people? some people- may be lovers- walking at decimating distances... It is America and not a conservative place, say like India; so what so serious? :scratch:

Regards :D
Looks like some kind of mangrove for me, a very interesting one. I wish you focused a little bit more on the subject itself.
frequency...those are actually roots. Very interesting growth. Because I write poetry and such I tend to look at things through a bent lens, so bare with me.
@ Trever when I took the pics all the other angles seem to be missing something. This one was the best of them all. But thanks for the C & C...i appreciate it.
@ Drake, they seem to lack a story line for me and would confuse the viewers as to what they represent. But I hear you.
Interesting shot, I have never seen anything like that. :thumbup::thumbup:
looks like a cypress tree to me, those are called cypress Knees, we have LOTS of them here in Florida and they can make a very cool subject :D :thumbup:
@ Corner41 I thought those were interesting as well. I didn't know what to make of them myself. Thanks for C & C!
@jh Cypress Tree with a Cypress Knee, I gotta google that because that's the only one that I have noticed in Memphis. Thanks for the comments!

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