Sun Spots


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Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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Sometimes it's fun to turn my telescope from deep sky objects to one's a bit closer! There is a lot of activity on the Sun recently as we are in a period of high activity.

I used a white light solar filter which blocks most of the light, letting only about 1 out of every 100,000 photons through. I then captured video of the sun with software called SharpCap where you can specify exposure time and number of frames. In this case I captured 1000 frames at 650ms exposure time (equivalent to about 2/3sec shutter speed). I then used software called Autostakkert! which analyzes the frames and ranks them based on sharpness. This is how it canceles out atmospheric distortion. It then stacked the best 300 frames together to make the sharpest image possible. Final processing was in PS.

Sun 23 August 2024 300frames.jpg
That's quite a number of spots! Nice image. Looks like the next six months might be plenty active before we start the 5.5 year slide to solar minima.

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