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Stratford Station today.


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2024
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DSCF3472 Stratford Station by William Heron, on Flickr
I went out to take some photos this evening. I found somewhere I liked and within 3 minutes the sun had gone behind a building. At least I know where to go for next time. While I was there two women going down the stairs hid their faces from me. In Stratford station they will be on video camera having their photos taken with facial ID on; that didn't bother them, I did. 🤡
It's usually a matter of targets of opportunity--one shot passes, another appears. Like this one, mostly for the over-the-shoulder glance. Keep at it. Post it here!
I know what you mean. Gov has on camera but one solo shooter and you have to be a perv or something. Nice shot.

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