Still Going - Two Male Lions

Bryan Pereira

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Jan 15, 2014
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A couple of old male lions just walking up. I would have liked to come across them a few hours later when I could have closed down and lowered the iso as well but in the wild you dont have too much choice, just make the best of it.

D850 200 to 400 f4
200mm f4 1/400 iso 4000

old male lions exposure tours.jpg
Wonderful shot.
A couple of old male lions just walking up. I would have liked to come across them a few hours later when I could have closed down and lowered the iso as well but in the wild you dont have too much choice, just make the best of it.

D850 200 to 400 f4
200mm f4 1/400 iso 4000

View attachment 277215
Many thanks for the info here.
A couple of old male lions just walking up. I would have liked to come across them a few hours later when I could have closed down and lowered the iso as well but in the wild you dont have too much choice, just make the best of it.

D850 200 to 400 f4
200mm f4 1/400 iso 4000

View attachment 277215
I'm guessing you got these lion photos in Africa, I envy you!

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