Springtail, Collembola Dicyrtomina ornata


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Jun 16, 2015
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Springtail, Collembola Dicyrtomina ornata. TQ 40104 68783
The real size is 1.33 mm, magnification is 5.18, when I posted this I learnt
The reproductive instar is not interested in food. Only in sex ;-)
Adult Collembola have a moulting sequence from reproductive instar to feeding instar to reproductive instar to feeding instar etc. So every 2 moults adult Collembola regain virginity ;-) It also means that adult Collembola males produce spermatophores every 2 moults. And females lay eggs every 2 moults. Inbetween reproduction instars they feed. So also only every 2 moults."
IMG_7036_Springtail-1 by davholla2002, on Flickr

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