Sony Lens choice - I've got stuck!


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2016
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I've been using Sony for a while, and it's time to update my lenses.

Two I have are the 55mm 1.8 and the Batis 25mm f2.

I'm thinking of keeping both, but I'm hoping to use a 24mm that's smaller and lighter. Possibly the 24mm 2.8 G?

I have also been thinking of either the 40mm 2.5 G or the 35mm 1.8 to sit between the 55mm and the 24mm.

Does anyone have any advice or opinions? My mind has become split between the two...

I know that the 35mm is a little older, but it is 1.8 - however, the 40mm 2.5 G is smaller and lighter.

There will probably be occasions where I'd use the lens in low light...

Any recommendation for the 24mm, 35mm and/or 40mm would be appreciated.

Although I like the Batis lenses, and the 25mm does have a speed advantage over the other lenses I've seen with a similar focal length, my back is not what it was and I'm hoping for a collection that will be easier for me to carry....
I am tempted by the 35mm 1.8, but I have read mixed reviews about it (incl. its weather sealing)....

Any experience?

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