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Shadow Cats


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 20, 2021
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Ok so I broke things up with a few street shots recently so I guess now its time to go back to..........street cats....

A couple from very late last night on a path that runs along the back of a golf course here - Tried to get more portrait shots and make use of shadow but getting her to co-operate and stay still was the tricky part.

Eventually was forced to use a higher shutter than I would have liked (light was very low and provided by a street lamp).

Nocturnal Street Cat by Tursiops, on Flickr Sony A7RV / Sony FE 35mm F1.4 ZA

Feral Portrait by Tursiops, on Flickr Sony A7RV / Sony FE 35mm F1.4 ZA
Lovely shadow and light!
Lovely shadow and light!
Thanks Mitch!

Interesting work to good effect! You must have been close with that 35mm. 🙂
Thanks Clint, yes very close! She is very friendly and knows me already - I wouldn’t try to pick her up but a little petting is well received with this one :)

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