Rejuvenating old faces


TPF Noob!
Apr 1, 2024
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Where can i get help minimizing heavy wrinkles in an old face?

Thank you
Lots of software available, try google....
I think pretty much every photo editor is capable of it, there is face editing software like Photoworks or wrinkle removers like Photodiva. Just make sure the person you've photographed is okay with it, sometimes people want to see themselves as they are.
@cgw you are on on a roll! 🤣😃😆😉

@qim when editing skin there is no one method fits all if you want it to look natural. I hate the latest cartoonish plastic skin look you see on cell phone pictures.

Minimizing wrinkles begins with correct lighting of the shot. Post, real skin editing requires more sophisticated methods in an editor capable of doing so. Things like dodging and burning, frequency separations, targeted color adjustments, blurring/blending, even skin/texture replacement.

Tell us more about yourself. What's your experience level, do you currently have an editing software, do you have an image you can share for example?
I use Photoshop and there are a few ways to remove / reduce wrinkles or blemishes. There is a healing brush tool that does a pretty good job, but search Youtube for a tutorial on removing photo wrinkles for your software.

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