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Red Mill At Double Bridge


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Mar 29, 2016
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I started out yesterday to visit a water fall about 30 miles from me. Weather was perfect, light was perfect clouds were perfect, unfortunately when I got there the gates were closed and locked.:BangHead: Rather then a total loss, I backtracked to another location. The Red Mill is in bad shape, it sits on a creek next to a dam and was once powered by a horizontal water turbine. The machinery has been gone for years. By the time I arrived the light was such that I couldn't get a shot from the back side, another time maybe. Undecided on the processing. To me the color version just doesn't jive with the condition of the building, The other two?????
#1 Color
Mill At Dbl Bridge20200426_2813-2.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr

#2 B&W Conversion
Mill At Dbl Bridge20200426_2813.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr

#3 Artsy fartsy conversion
Mill At Dbl Bridge20200426_2813.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
I like #1 and two. Kinda hard to give up that nice shade of red and it's rustic enough it looks good in B&W, too ... I agree with tirediron's suggestion.
That artsy fartsy is ok but not my favorite.
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@zulu42 ,Thank you.

Probably won't do much more to this one, as I need to go back better prepared to shoot it. The building sits on the very edge of a rock cliff, if you look closely you can see where the guard rail goes into the bridge that crosses the creek, and dam. The back side of the building actually hangs over the edge some. It's a good 50 to 75' down to the river bed where the old housing for the water turbine sits. There's an old footpath on the other side of the creek leading to an elevated rock outcropping that gives an unobstructed view of the back, but I wasn't prepared for hoofing it through the weeds yesterday, and I'd already had my thrill for the day. While I was squatted down on the edge of the road shooting the front, an overly friendly Redbone Hound slipped up behind me and licked me in the ear. Good thing I always wrap the strap around my arm, or the camera would have gone sailing. Between the wind in the trees and water going over the dam, I never heard him coming.
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I have this place in mind to go back and do a series, right now I'm still undecided on the processing. Surprisingly another site I'm on seemed to lean toward #3 as well.

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