[recommended] Welcome in the Friendzone


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Belgium / Brussels
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Hi all !

As some may know, I love to use photography to create artworks, like music album cover art.

For those who are interested in more details, this photo is made from multiple photo's I shot in october in Brussels (Nikon D7000 and Sigma 30mm), and stuff drew with Inkscape, all layered in Gimp (photo editor). As RAW editor I used Rawtherapee.

You know, sometimes people get friendzoned, but sometimes you are welcome to join a new circle of warm friends.
So wherever you are, please feel welcome and join! Just show up, be there, here you belong, in all your glory!

So I recently recorded this new song FOR YOU! (this time without lyrics or vocals 😉)
Just let the instruments speak and the listener will imagine and maybe interpret a declaration of love, for diversity, peace and inclusion.
Because whether you like it or not, we all have to walk together on this same rock, floating in space.

Of course, you can find ‹ Welcome In The Friendzone › on all major streaming platforms 😉
Feel free to share it around, leave a comment here or on YouTube, or add it to your playlist on Spotify 😉
There's a FREE download via Bandcamp!


Recorded in Linux Mint Cinnamon
Daw: Reaper
Synths with U-He Hive
Guitar: Yamaha Revstar, effects with Mod Duo from ModAudio

Have a nice day ! (and let me know if you like it!)

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