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PS Icon disappeared


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Mar 29, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
So just downloaded the latest PS upgrade, everything went fine, except the Icon disappeared from my taskbar. Wasn't a problem to go back and pin it, but I found it odd that it didn't do automatically.
After the last upgrade I had problems with both LRC and PS freezing or not opening at all. I ended up having to uninstall and reinstall both.
After the last update, Lightroom Classic (MacOS) has a lot of changed behaviors that make the user experience very frustrating.
  • In the Develop module, when I click on each setting to change the value (exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, etc), it no longer highlights the current value and allows me to type a new one. Instead, it just puts the curser in there and I have to delete the old value manually before I can put a new one in. Same thing if I tab between settings. This seems like a poorly thought out change to the UX.
  • In the Library module, when I start typing in the Keyword Tags, it accepts the first letter typed, then loses focus on the field. Every letter typed after that is treaded as a keyboard shortcut, which can mess up the interface, change picture ratings, etc. This seems like a bug rather than a design choice, but it creates a pretty miserable user experience.
Hopefully Adobe releases fixes for these and other issues soon.
I haven't had the disappearing icon problem, but just came from another forum where the hot thread was a problem editing in PS Beta from LrC. So you make some enhancements in LrC then go to photo -> Edit in PS and PS Beta will open, but your image from LrC will not load. To make a long story short, Adobe is aware of the problem. Many are rolling back one version of PS Beta and the problem goes away. Others say that if you just wait, you'll see an error message, then your image will pop up in PS Beta. I tried it, and it takes a couple of minutes, but waiting does work.
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After the last update, Lightroom Classic (MacOS) has a lot of changed behaviors that make the user experience very frustrating.
I'm on the windows version June 2023 release (version 12.4) no problem so far.

from another forum where the hot thread was a problem editing in PS Beta from LrC.

I haven't worked in PS that much since the update, but didn't notice anything amiss when I tried it. One thing I've learned is that anytime Adobe does a major update, NVIDIA isn't far behind with a driver update. I've learned to wait until it's available before updating PS, or there will likely be problems.
A PS update a few months ago was unlinked on my desktop shortcut. I had to delete the icon and create shortcut. Strange things with the last PS updates. On a few PS facebook groups people are experiencing different problems.
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@CherylL I guess I'm fortunate, I didn't experience any other problems that I know of yet.
@CherylL I guess I'm fortunate, I didn't experience any other problems that I know of yet.
I'm using the previous version. The current version has Bridge has no Tools>Process Files. I've been editing in the current version and then when done will open the older version to process files. I also have the Beta version. If using the Beta version then my brushes and actions are not there.

Today on the PS FB pages people are reporting many head aches with LRC. I hope Adobe gets this all straightened out.
If you click the windows button and start typing Photoshop does it appear?
I gave up using Lightroom years ago, because of the endless problems. A database was of no editing value to me, didn't make me a better photographer, and I still don't see the benefit of a program that just basically duplicates ACR but adds problem after problem for the user.

Bridge has always worked just great for organizing my image files; it has all the keywording, collections, favorites and search functions that I need to keep everything organized, but there is no database to suddenly forget where all my files are, and the occasional tiny glitch is never a deal breaker and is always fixed right away. I still think the big switch to Lightroom was all based on the hype and marketing.

I don't know how many times I have seen people say that they use only Lightroom because "Photoshop is too complicated to learn," or some variation of that. Of course there is also the "I'm such a good photographer that I never have do anything to my perfect SOOC images," but most of us still see a benefit to a great editing program. Lightroom is essentially a higher-grade basic, global, amateur editing program for raw files and doesn't do anything of substance that can't be done better if you learn Photoshop.

Oh yeah, and I have never had my Ps icon disappear. Yet.
I chatted with Adobe. I uninstalled both versions of PS. "KEEP" preferences on uninstall keeps brushes, actions etc. Reinstalled PS and now Bridge>Photoshop>Process etc is back available. From what I have read on this problem, PS looks to Bridge on Install and places scripts. The scripts were there in Bridge, but somehow it wasn't connected.

On PS Beta the Adobe help person said to use Version 24.6. They are currently working on problems now with files from LR to PS Beta and BR to PS Beta.

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