I gave up using Lightroom years ago, because of the endless problems. A database was of no editing value to me, didn't make me a better photographer, and I still don't see the benefit of a program that just basically duplicates ACR but adds problem after problem for the user.
Bridge has always worked just great for organizing my image files; it has all the keywording, collections, favorites and search functions that I need to keep everything organized, but there is no database to suddenly forget where all my files are, and the occasional tiny glitch is never a deal breaker and is always fixed right away. I still think the big switch to Lightroom was all based on the hype and marketing.
I don't know how many times I have seen people say that they use only Lightroom because "Photoshop is too complicated to learn," or some variation of that. Of course there is also the "I'm such a good photographer that I never have do anything to my perfect SOOC images," but most of us still see a benefit to a great editing program. Lightroom is essentially a higher-grade basic, global, amateur editing program for raw files and doesn't do anything of substance that can't be done better if you learn Photoshop.
Oh yeah, and I have never had my Ps icon disappear. Yet.