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Posting to the C&C Gallery

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TPF Supporters
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Mar 29, 2016
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I've been asked to assist with moderating this forum gallery. This can be a valuable resource for those of any level looking to improve, but like all things of value it requires a little effort on the posters part to achieve truly valid critique. If you don't include the metadata in your file, then you MUST include that information in your post. Please do your best to follow the other instructions on information you need to include, especially those areas you might have concerns or questions on. The first step in improving your work begins with self evaluation. The more you learn to critically evaluate your own work, the faster you will improve, and the better you will become at offering critique and advice to others.

For those offering critique I ask that you also consider the rules and suggestions at the top. This is not a thread where "Likes", "Nice Shot", etc., is acceptable. If the OP takes the time to present his work and provide the information, please don't insult them by doing this. Technical observations tend to be cut and dried, but opinions can vary. Even if you don't feel qualified to speak on one thing, maybe there's something else you see. Just like the OP learning to look and study an image, instead of "clicking & scrolling", ultimately makes you a better photographer.

I hope members will take advantage of what this gallery has to offer.
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It;s nice that you're doing this. But I think you're limiting what the critiquer can say beforehand. Why does someone have to give a technical critique? If all he thinks about it is Nice Shot, then that's fine by me. His opinion should count as much as someone who provides a long technical review.

Also, why do you need metadata if I don't want to give it? I shoot film as well as digital. Who cares what film I'm using or the shutter speed? Critique what you see in the posted picture. Most viewers don't care about that other stuff anyway.

This is a gallery for posting work for serious advice/critique and a place where those giving advice/critique need to be equally serious about their replies. A place where we can all learn something in the process. No one is expected to comment on anything they have no knowledge on. As I said earlier technical aspects of a shot are mostly cut and dried, but opinions can and do vary. So jump in where you feel comfortable. Glib responses like "Nice shot" do nothing to further knowledge of the poster or the respondent. There are numerous other galleries where it's acceptable, but just not this one.

As to metadata whether it's in the file or posted makes no difference. In addition to film, PSD files sometime delete it as well. The basic information is needed if you're trying to give critique or advice on a technical issue. For example, is an image not sharp because of a low shutter or was it a DOF problem. Since you use film, is it maybe a characteristic of the film, or the development. Knowing the details gives everyone a head start on helping.

This will also remain a safe space, anyone posting, rude callous or argumentative remarks about anything will be summarily deleted.

I really hope you'll utilize the gallery both for your own work and commenting on others.
Again that can be done everywhere else.

I never expected a lot of traffic here.
Don’t like it fine don’t post.
Well, I remain hopeful that we WILL see a pick-up in traffic here, so "don't like it don't post" is needlessly dismissive to a member who is just expressing an opinion about the request for metadata.

Again, all of the requirements asked for came from suggestions by our fellow TPF members when a discussion arose about the lack of a more structured place for C&C. The request for metadata exists as an aide in making a technical assessment, which is a reasonable part of a thoughtful critique. Bias can come from many angles when viewing images, really. And when someone does submit a photo here for in-depth critique, they've earned more than a Nice shot kind of reply.

Since this whole latest effort has been member- driven, it's not the point of this thread to rehash what's been set up.

We encourage everyone who's expressed interest in C&C to grab one of their images and post it! Read the guidelines - tell us about the shot. Then let's go!
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