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Photo Video C Shaped Flash Bracket For Digital SLR Cameras And Speedlight Flashes, Flash

Never seen a bracket quite like that before. The idea seems reasonable, but the price leads me to suspect that the overall quality would be... lacking.
You should not have the flash as close to the lens as possible. For better modeling get it away from the lens. I generally hold mine at arms length.
Thanks for that, have you used that?
I've looked at that before. It'e quite flimsy and it's designed for you to move the speedlight on top of however you have the camera positioned. It doesn't like the speedlight hanging off the side.

Why do you want the light closer to the lens ??

I opted for this which is quite sturdy by comparison but may not be available.
Stroboframe Camera Flip Flash Bracket
i was referencing the bracket i linked.
Are you going for the direct flash look, or is this something for when you're outside? Personally, I prefer to bounce my light whenever possible so have never bothered with a flash bracket.

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