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Panasonic TZ60 - image size issue


TPF Noob!
May 19, 2018
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit

Not sure this is the right place for this thread, so please bear with me.

I took my TZ60 on a long holiday during which I took about 10,000 photos. The resolution setting on the camera is 4:3 & 18 megapixels, which should produce photos that are 4896x3672 pixels (A2 printouts).

I have downloaded the photos onto my MacBook and have spent the last couple of months in edits. However, I now find that the image resolution for the majority of the images are 1290x960 (checked on the SD card as well as on my computer). Massive difference. This seriously scuppers my plans for these shots as none of them are large enough.

I'm not sure how I can resolve this lot of photos, but I want to prevent it happening again in future. Does anyone know of any sneaky settings that kick in on the TZ60 that changes the resolution depending on how much space is left on the SD card? Or maybe Macs have started screwing with image resolutions. Unlikely, but I have to ask.

Any help?

Hello and welcome, I hope you find a solution to your problems......:)
Strange page 140 of the pdf user manual does not show 1290x960 as a selectable resolution for any aspect ratio.


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