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Panasonic Lumix S5IIX Focus Peaking


TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2023
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South Carolina, USA
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I recently bought the Lumix S5IIX with Panasonic 24mm to 105mm lens and I've been going through the User's Manual learning what I can. I have been unable to turn on focus peaking. I have turned it on in the menus as well as the display touch tab and made sure Live View Boost is off. I've also tried auto focus and manual. I want it because I have an old lens I want to use. I assume I have changed some setting in the camera and disabled focus peaking. Any ideas? Thanks
No one has answered this yet so I will try. I have a Lumix G85. First, I do not think that there is a "Focus Peaking" setting.

Note: My descriptions might be a bit off. I am trying to keep my descriptions simple.

To Focus Manually:

To the right of the view finder, there is an "AF/AE Lock" control which has a rotary lever and a button inside the lever. The rotary switch has three positions: "AFS/AFF", "AFC" and "MF". Rotate that switch to "MF" ("manual focus"). Having done that, when you turn the focus ring on the lens, or when you push the button, the view finder will probably show a square in the middle which is magnified, and as you turn the focus ring on the lens, the view in that square will come into or out of focus.

For single touch Auto Focus:

Turn the switch to "AFS/AFF" and then push the button. It will not show the magnified box in the middle of the screen, but the relevant area will have an outline box.

For Continuous Auto Focus:

Turn the switch to "AFC". Again, it will not show the magnified box in the middle of the screen, but the relevant area will have an outline box.

The results will depend a bit on the lens too.
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Panasonic Lumix S5IIX Focus Peaking​


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