Organizational Recommendations - Non Adobe Lightroom??

Bill Ballard

TPF Noob!
Nov 8, 2020
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit

I need some photography image file organizational suggestions/tips please - but for the love of all that's sacred, please, please, no Adobe Lightroom or 'keyword' suggestions! I'm certain to be one of the few humans around that seems to (or at least openly admits to) having a serious dislike for the Lightroom 'Catalog' and the use of 'Keywords' for organization. I used LR for years, keywords for much less, and have found myself going back to my original workflow method with Camera Raw, Photoshop, and the NIK Plugin suite the past year - and my workflow is better for the return.

I shoot digitally as I shot film; that is, methodically and carefully, always exercising discretion as to when to open the shutter and when not to. I don't have hundreds of thousands of image files to sort through. My 'old' film cataloging method is working well enough using a generated file number for each session; I'm just curious to see if anyone may have something better.

Fire away...
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