old times in photography


TPF Noob!
Jul 12, 2024
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Long ago there was film-- then came the digital revolution-- I post that drones are to digital photgraphy as digital was to film
Nah. Can you imagine a portrait photographer hovering a drone in someone's face to get a shot? Drones make it possible for anyone to get a shot or clip that used to require hiring an aircraft or getting elevated, but they aren't a replacement for ground-level photography or video.
Yes that is true but I am still getting a lot of requests for a drone-- a good eye can never be replaced weather film or digital
I don't think this is the right comparison, drones are a carrier or method, not the medium, as film or digital. Typically drones carry a digital camera. It is quite concievable that a drone could carry a film camera. In fact, Estes made a model rocket kit tht had a simple instamatic-type film camera in the nose cone.
Yes that is true but I am still getting a lot of requests for a drone-- a good eye can never be replaced weather film or digital
Real estate, construction, commercial, motorsports, and a lot more want drones these days, but it's in addition to, not instead of.

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