No if's, what's or butts...


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Jan 17, 2024
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Cronulla, NSW, Australia
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Reminds me of this shot from Japan - The only streets with litter and especially butts are those frequented by tourists.

Unequivocal by Tursiops, on Flickr

Chewing gum is another scourge of the pavement, especially in town centres here (UK).
Reminds me of this shot from Japan - The only streets with litter and especially butts are those frequented by tourists.

Unequivocal by Tursiops, on Flickr

Chewing gum is another scourge of the pavement, especially in town centres here (UK).

Lol! Disgusting!

Wow, that must be filthy treading on chewing gum all the time..! 😬
Lol! Disgusting!

Wow, that must be filthy treading on chewing gum all the time..! 😬
The gum gets hard and sticks like cement to the pavement leaving dirty round blotches all over (it doesn't stick to your shoes as it dries rock hard but looks horrible) - Council have to use special high pressure jet washers to blast it off.

While we are on the subject, little in this world makes me more mad than seeing people throw garbage out their car window, just cannot fathom the mentality involved 😡😡
The gum gets hard and sticks like cement to the pavement leaving dirty round blotches all over (it doesn't stick to your shoes as it dries rock hard but looks horrible) - Council have to use special high pressure jet washers to blast it off.

While we are on the subject, little in this world makes me more mad than seeing people throw garbage out their car window, just cannot fathom the mentality involved 😡😡

Most people have no self respect these days, so asking them to respect their surroundings is just a bit too much isn't it..! 🤦‍♂️
I have to admit, it's becoming more and more rare to see someone smoking, and still more rare to see a butt on the ground. I saw two women smoking on Saturday and had to do a double take! One of our major drug stores stopped carrying tobacco products altogether about 8-10 years ago.
Smoking may be down, but there seems not be any slowing down on vaping. Even more dangerous, dipping especially among young males is up here.
I have to admit, it's becoming more and more rare to see someone smoking, and still more rare to see a butt on the ground. I saw two women smoking on Saturday and had to do a double take! One of our major drug stores stopped carrying tobacco products altogether about 8-10 years ago.

Surely they have to be doing something to speed their death up though! There are just so many options these days! 🤣
Smoking may be down, but there seems not be any slowing down on vaping. Even more dangerous, dipping especially among young males is up here.

Yes I see that here too. Cannot really fathom how anyone could think that inhaling some type of cooked perfume is going to be better for them. The under 30's both guys and girls here are just as bad with it. Yet another one of those psychological phenomenons that has me shaking my head... 🥶
I did the sensible thing and always smoked unfiltered: Camels, Gitanes, Gauloises, Pall Malls, Balkan Sobranies...Hah!
I did the sensible thing and always smoked unfiltered: Camels, Gitanes, Gauloises, Pall Malls, Balkan Sobranies...Hah!

Funniest thing is that this is absolutely true. I believe it is the healthiest way to smoke tobacco. 🏆
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