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new nikon d700?


TPF Noob!
Apr 22, 2010
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I heard they are suppose to be coming out with a new d700. Is this true? where did you find the info out at?

I really want to buy the d700 but if they are coming out with a newer version maybe I should wait before I decide what to do.

There is always a new something or other coming out and you could be waiting forever.
The D7000 was released recently, and Nikon was working on it's replacement, before that happened.

If the D700 does what you need done, get one. There are used and refurbished ones available if you'd like to save a couple of $$$'s.
My guess is that they'll release a D700x, which will have the D3x 25mp sensor. They'll also likely want $3500 for it. I do think the D700 is due for a price drop, they sell today for about the same price they sold over a year ago.
We won't see the D700 replacement till the D4. We won't see the D4 till October.

Go for it...
I doubt the D700 upgrade will have the D3x image sensor, because the D3x image sensor doesn't have ISO performance that can match what the D700 has now.

Nikon x or s upgrades are usually just slightly incremental, though with the D3x they did introduced a professional high MP studio camera, while doing a slight upgrade to the D3 they call the D3s.

I will be amazed if Nikon does a D700x. It is still in a prosumer category and I don't think Nikon wants to compete with for sales with itself in a market segment that constitutes only a small portion of their dSLR camera sales.

I would bet they will sell several thousand D7000's for each D700/D700x/D800 they will sell.
I would bet they will sell several thousand D7000's for each D700/D700x/D800 they will sell.

Probably... They will also sell several hundred D700 for each D4, which is why we won't see the D800 before the D4.
so is the d800 replacing the d700? Is the d800 suppose to be better? the d700 from what I read is really great at noise with high iso and I am starting to book more weddings and I want a great wedding camera.
I want a great wedding camera

Will the D800 take better photos than the D700? Yes probably, but will it take make you take better photos? Well that's a new question all together...
Only Nikon knows if there will be a D800.

There is no doubt the D700 is due for an update or a replacement.

Between now and the launch, everything is just speculation.

In your position, it is difficult to make a decision based on that speculation, but that's as good as it gets.

There is little doubt the camera Nikon launches that superceeds the D700 will cost more than the D700 does today and will be more capable to some degree.

My recommendation is....Don't Wait.

I use the D300 - 3, all bought used, (not the D300s) and the D3 - 2 also bought used (not the D3s).

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