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New Member Intro!


TPF Noob!
Jul 16, 2023
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My name is Michael, I've been exploring the world of photography on and off for the last 10 years. I mostly do landscape photography during my hikes with my girlfriend, we are out exploring the PNW - USA every weekend. Aside from photography I like to build furniture, my current project is a walnut display case for a Murano glass sculpture.

Back to photography, I started my first year in college with a 35mm B/W class and that was probably one of the most fun electives I've ever taken. I then took a digital photography class and used a Sony a350 that I bought used. After a few years I started to not cary my a350 and rely on only using my phone for pictures.

Currently I'm shooting with a Nikon Z5 with the 24-50mm kit lens and have really enjoyed taking it everywhere with us on our adventures. I'm fairly confident with manipulating my camera to do what I need it to do and the biggest place that I feel that I can improve on is photo composition and post processing. I look forward to exploring the community and getting to know everyone!
Welcome to TPF! :) We're so glad you decided to join us.

Take a look at the Photo Galleries and share your work with us. Keep posting and have fun!

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