Multnomah Falls - Critique


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2007
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San Francisco Bay Area
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Here are 2 shots of Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge. When I was visiting the falls I took about 20 shots and I have to admit I am having trouble deciding the how to process them. I'd appreciate comments on how I could improve these 2 shots. Thanks in advance.


I really like the second one - the way its framed gives the viewer a good idea as to the scale (because of the bridge).

Not so sure about the first one, though. One thing that would help it is not to have cropped the levels so much (assuming it was that and not too long an exposure) since much of the water is saturated.

And this is my 500th post. :)
I really like the second one - the way its framed gives the viewer a good idea as to the scale (because of the bridge).

Not so sure about the first one, though. One thing that would help it is not to have cropped the levels so much (assuming it was that and not too long an exposure) since much of the water is saturated.

Thanks for your comments. The shot was taken early morning and there wasn't much light. The first one was shot RAW at 1/20, f5.6, iso400. I'll go back and rework the levels to see if I can improve the look of the water- I did modify the levels during the original processing. Thanks again.
The second is amazing i love everything about it! The angle doesnt really do much for me in the first and maybe the colours could do with being a lil warmer.
I don't think the angle of the first shot does much for it. The overall color seems very cold too.

The second shot though is stunning. Perfect composition and balance of foreground/background elements. The waterfall pops really nicely. The bridge sets the photo off just enough with a different man-made element within the natural beauty.
The second shot would be better with the falls at the top totally cropped and cloned out so that the viewer's attention is on the bridge and the second falls.


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