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Milky Way Above Pirin


This is the right time..
May 25, 2014
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So this past weekend we were stuck for plans, Decided to escape the city again and planned to climb Polezhan peak in Pirin (2850m) to watch the sunset across the Pirin Mountain Range, Coupled with that, my photopills informed me that on that evening there would be a 0.4% moon, we checked the weather and it was clear skies forecast (Always cautious as it changes in the mountains in seconds!).

We planned it, went there, watched a beautiful sunset, shots of which. I am still editing, and then descended from the peak and began to watch and shoot the sky.. This is the first one I have edited, the sky was just magnificent, I could have stayed for hours. And I have checked and checked again, but that is indeed a shooting star headed towards the Milky Way too..

Love to hear your thoughts,

Shot on Nikon on D850 coupled with the 14-24 2.8 @ 14mm / f2.8 / ISO1600 and 10 Second single exposure.
It's my first time really planning to try and catch the sky like this, the centre was below the horizon line and I could not catch it but that's on the to do for the coming weeks!

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Thanks a lot, it was a truly impressive sky and photopills had the location nailed on which was really nice when planning..
Thanks all, appreciate it [emoji482]

Sent from my mobile device because I’m either outside or too lazy to get my MacBook..

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