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Met this fella as I was drivin' along


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 19, 2022
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Eastern Australia
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G'day all

This frill-necked lizard was sunning him/herself on the warm gravel of the dirt-road I was using. I stopped alongside expecting it to scurry away - but no, s/he stayed there. Took two pics before persuading it to move off the track before it became lunch for one of the many crows we see each day

exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/160s x F3,2; ISO-100; lens at 6x zoom / 150mm FFequiv

As always, feedback welcome
I like him! Lizards are fascinating to me - look how he blends into his background here.
Aww.. Sweet little guy!
Thanks all ... yes he blended into the roadway - bits of blue-stone gravel and other stuff, and my other worry was that he was in the wheel-rut too, meaning that the next vehicle coming along might not see him / it and 'oops- now food for those on the wing'


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