Lucky Shot


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 10, 2012
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Yakima, WA
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I completely missed the focus on what I was going for, but I managed to photograph something I didn't even know was there. Of course, it's not particularly in focus, either, but I still thought it was a neat little shot!

IMG_9056 by RxForB3, on Flickr

This is a better shot of my original subject.

IMG_9059 by RxForB3, on Flickr

These two seem to be having fun :)

IMG_9075 by RxForB3, on Flickr

And a final picture for fun...

Goldilocks and the Three Bugs by RxForB3, on Flickr

Any suggestions/thoughts?
Second one and the last one are the best ones for me. I think this is the varied carped beetle (Antrhrenus verbasci)
Thank you! I'm always interested to know what I'm shooting. I've started exploring but still not all that adept at it.

I agree about the shots. 1 and 3 are interesting because of the subjects more so than because they were good shots in and of themselves...if only I'd managed to shoot them better!
Heh. I wish I'd known the little guy was there when I was taking the shot. He was a nice surprise when I saw the photo.
Aphids are fun to shoot.. hard to get decent images of! :) So darn little!
Just wish I'd known it was there!

So now I have a question. I'm using the 100mm macro, but I'd like greater magnification for some things. If I understand, I'd have to use over 100mm of extension tubes to reach a greater ratio. So what is the point of using extension tubes with a macro lens? I've seen several people that have used both, but not sure if they really thought about what they were doing. Is there any other way to get higher magnification while maintaining the benefits of the macro lens?
Well, as far as I know it's like this: if you put 50mm of extension tubes on your 100mm macro, you'll have 1,5X magnification. Which will make a big difference. The downside is that you lose light and will have to crank up your iso/ use a flash.
I like 1 for the cute little guy popping up sayin "hey..whatchoo doin" and number 3, the beetle porn made me lol

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