Looks interesting, sort of.


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Jul 31, 2020
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Central North Carolina USA
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Found this somehow, maybe a FB ad. But it looks interesting, but kind of pricey and in a few years the in-camera AI might do the same things, if not already.

Auto mode in modern cameras are quite good these days. I like Arsenal's implementation of the remote shutter, that is cool. I guess the days of learning the exposure triangle are gone. To me that makes it more fun and hands on but I guess people today just want AI to do everything for them and everything has to be an app.

Simply put, I don't like where it's heading. Soon enough there will be another "camera brain" that will have a camera and see the scene and tell you how to compose the shot. It won't even be you make any decisions, just following what the AI says in its vision of what it thinks is a good photo.

Its sad.

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