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Looking for photos of the 1891 Kodak Daylight film door


TPF Noob!
Nov 2, 2023
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I am looking for some photos of the inside of the film door for the Daylight Kodak. I am also curious if anyone has any photos of what the original cardboard cartridges looked like on both ends that fit this camera. The only picture I’ve seen of the cartridge is in George Gilbert’s 1976 book, Collecting Photographica. The illustration in the 1892 Kodak catalog looks quite different than the actual photograph in Gilbert’s book.

I recently bought a B Daylight Kodak. It is missing the film door on the bottom. I should be able to fabricate the wooden door as well as the brass escutcheon for the thumbscrew. I also would like to fabricate the wooden film reels with their lightproof cardboard cartridges--or at least a reasonable representation to show friends.

There are plenty of pictures on the Internet of the inside of the film door for the Kodak Ordinary cameras. I see that those cameras also came with a second inner door with holes that centered the film spools. I am assuming the extra piece of wood is not necessary with the Daylight since the thick cardboard ends up the cartridge hold and center the spools??? Is this correct?

One or two small pictures I’ve seen of the inside of the Daylight door look like it may be covered in felt. Does anyone know if that’s correct?

If anyone could share your wisdom and post any pictures you have, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks Phil!
Try photrio.com.
Thanks Scotty! Yes, that’s the Ordinary, which is the same camera set up for darkroom loading only. Pacific Rim also has instructions for the Daylight, which uses the boxed film cartridges I’m trying to ID.

Here is the illustration of the film cartridges from that catalog, as well as the one photo from the Photographica book. Not quite the same thing.

Thanks CGW! I’ll look at photrio.
FILM 2A.webp
FILM 3.webp
Looking at the photo again I notice the cartridge there is for the largest model (Daylight C). Maybe the smaller A and B size cartridges are structured more like the catalog drawing??

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