Lightroom 3 tips


TPF Noob!
Feb 27, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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I'm sure it has been asked before but I was curious if anyone had any tips they could share on the Lightroom 3 program. I am just now starting to play around with it. I've watched some youtube videos on it and I definitely am glad I purchased it! :) Any advice, tips, tricks, etc. would be great. Thank you! I am so excited to have this as a new hobby. I may not be that great at it but it still is fun.

No one will mind if you were to be proactive and use the forum search feature.

With Lightroom's Develope module open, press your keyboard's F1 key.


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips « Online Photoshop Lightroom Tutorials and Tips with Matt Kloskowski Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips

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Since CS5's Camera Raw and Lightroom 3's Develope module are the same thing ACR - Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS5

Are you familiar with the ins-and-outs of sharpening? These guys and their company, Pixel Genius, LLC, wrote the software that does the sharpening in ACR (CameraRaw/Lightroom)- Real World Image Sharpening with Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw, and Lightroom (2nd Edition)

If you want something that is essentially a bunch of tutorials in book form - The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers (Voices That Matter)

And if you want to take advantage of Lightroom's primary purpose for being - The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers
Thank you, by the way :) Hadn't had a chance to get on since then and thank you. Probably shouldn't be on now :)
Protip: Get familiar with the adjustment brush
Just remember to always use Lightroom's Library module if you are moving files, etc. When I first started using it, I would sometimes still use Bridge to move files around, so I had a lot of little question marks in the upper right corner of my Lightroom thumbnails. It's a great program, and works seamlessly with Photoshop. I couldn't get along without it.
I found something about Lightroom that I was completely unaware of.

When you're in the Develop module, you can adjust the image simply by clicking and dragging directly on the histogram. It will affect different parts of the image, depending on where (left to right) that you click. It will even tell you the 'name' of the different zones as you move the pointer over them.

This does exactly the same thing as adjusting the sliders; Exposure, Fill Light, Blacks, Recovery. So it's perfectly acceptable to just use the sliders...I was just unaware that you could also use the histogram directly.

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