
No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 1, 2024
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If your going for the theme: Battered woman(Beaten). I think this is close to a 6/10.

Why did I say this? Your model appears angry and sad. She doesn't want her picture taken.

If I were you I would have covered her armpit with her arm and bent her elbow. I would also brighten with photoshop. Yes it's cliche but it would look better imho.
Too dark but I find this more interesting than the frontal grinning images.
If your going for the theme: Battered woman(Beaten). I think this is close to a 6/10.

Why did I say this? Your model appears angry and sad. She doesn't want her picture taken.

If I were you I would have covered her armpit with her arm and bent her elbow. I would also brighten with photoshop. Yes it's cliche but it would look better imho.
lol my wife is not sad - just beautiful ( if you like that sort of thing )
A tighter crop as her elbow looks odd but I like it overall. I don’t see any issue with her expression or the low key style. Well done there.
Once past the technical aspects everything becomes a matter of opinion. If "low key" was the direction you were going IMO it missed the mark. I've never been a fan of fade on a low key, reserving it for "high key", but as I said earlier that's my opinion. For "low key" I tend to gravitate toward Chiaroscuro with its strong contrasts between light and dark.

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