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Itsy Bitsy Spider (HDSLR Video!)


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Jul 25, 2008
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Hi all. I'm sure some of you have seen my post on the spider I found in the tree bark (http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/macro-photography/234976-inside-bark-tree.html). Here is a video of him as well. Turned out quite nice, I think. Like I said, it was super cold so some of these have been sped up to x2. Also, it was very dark and snowing a bit, so there is also some grain in some of the videos :er:. Well, tell me what you think! The quality should go to 720p after the video is finished processing.
Taken with:
Nikon D300s
Sigma 180mm F/3.5 EX DG HSM APO IF Macro
Manfrotto 055XB
Manfrotto 804RC2

Turn up your speakers!

I like it! The cold has certainly helped you capture motions that normally would be lighting fast so its really let you get away with a nice presentation of the spider. I also like the interspaced stills photos (though a few look a little strong on the highlights)
Thanks Overread! One or two of the videos are actually sped up to 2x life time.

Really really cold spider!
interesting to see though how they suffer from the cold as they move with such jerking motions. I've seen the same with other insects - eg hornets only able to move one or two legs on one side and going in odd circles as they try to move around.

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