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Infinity background


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 18, 2014
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Hi All,

I wanted to take some jewellery pics but I wanted a infinity background to all the pics. First attempt below:
RING_John ONeill2S.jpg

Setup was fairly simple. the infinity background was basically generated by careful control of the focus stacking:

I know I gotta fix the white balance but I am liking it so far.

Any suggestions for improvement gratefully received.

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A few simple tips
  • Clean the surface first, or use the spot healing brush to remove the dust and debris.
  • Use a bigger light source for softer light - use a softbox, or just shoot through a tissue or paper towel for a DIY softbox.
  • For a seamless "infinity" background, use a second piece of paper from behind, placed vertically with the bottom curved into the first piece. Some scrap cardboard and tape will hold it up. This will remove some of the limitations of the angle you shoot at, as well as reflect more light back onto the object.
  • Reflectors are your friend. Adding a vertical piece of white paper on either side will help reflect even more light back towards the object, illuminating it more evenly, and softening shadows. Move them closer or further away to control how much light is reflected, and how much shadow you want to remain.
A few simple tips
  • Clean the surface first, or use the spot healing brush to remove the dust and debris.
  • Use a bigger light source for softer light - use a softbox, or just shoot through a tissue or paper towel for a DIY softbox.
  • For a seamless "infinity" background, use a second piece of paper from behind, placed vertically with the bottom curved into the first piece. Some scrap cardboard and tape will hold it up. This will remove some of the limitations of the angle you shoot at, as well as reflect more light back onto the object.
  • Reflectors are your friend. Adding a vertical piece of white paper on either side will help reflect even more light back towards the object, illuminating it more evenly, and softening shadows. Move them closer or further away to control how much light is reflected, and how much shadow you want to remain.
Thanks for the tips.

This particular shot was not meant for anything other than creating the infinity background. When I get to doing this for real there will be a whole heap of prep. That particular shot was only natural light.

I have made a light box out of PVC pipes and will be experimenting with that very soon.

@adamhiram did a pretty good job on suggestions. In addition to his comments:

Move your light off camera, on axis lighting is flat, and a nightmare with highly reflective surfaces. One of the methods I've used for glass and other translucent objects is White Line/ Black Line Lighting. White-Line and Black-Line Lighting.

Finally for "careful control on focus stacking", a focus rail and study tripod will make your life a lot easier.

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