I was puzzled when I wasn't accepted at the University of Oslo for my master's degree


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Aug 29, 2010
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...I mean, I have just finished my bachelor, good grades, and applied in time.

So, I read the reply letter I got which said, "Unfortunately you do not have sufficiently credits in the physical sciences. You also lack a complete bachelor's degree, and we cannot see that you have sent us the necessary documentation, which is due 1. July, that shows you are eligible for our master's program in chemistry."

LOOOOOOL, everything that could go wrong with my application did :P I do have a bachelor's degree, my high school physics makes up for "my lack of credits", but I must, however, have forgotten to send in my final grades. Still, this might be a good thing. I am going to take a year at my old uni to take the courses I never had time to take, and also catch up on some physics (which I really really really really want).

All in all, yay epicly failed application :lol:
Everything happens for a reason...right?! ;)
Universities everywhere must like paperwork and red tape! Sometimes life takes you in a different direction than you planned... but I agree maybe you could see if there's any way to get in your grades that they didn't receive. If it works for you to stay where you are and take classes you didn't get to take, maybe that's your best option.
Yup, I am really looking forward to taking some physics and material science courses. I am also taking a radio chemistry class where I will be certified to operate open ionizing sources ;)
Yup, I am really looking forward to taking some physics and material science courses. I am also taking a radio chemistry class where I will be certified to operate open ionizing sources ;)
You know, you can get treatment...
The nursing field is good. :)
I agre with the others, I'm sure in another year you'll be glad this didn't work out because something else will have opened up. good luck :)
Good luck with whichever you decide. I am sure it will all work out in the end. It always does.

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