Homeless Happiness...


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Jan 17, 2024
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Cronulla, NSW, Australia
Can others edit my Photos
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I did post this in black and white a while ago with a couple of other images, but after recently doing a colour edit, I loved it so much that I've decided to get it printed for my house. My favourite image so far this year. 🙂

Wouldn't mind being able to kick the image anti clockwise slightly, but it would leave the lady's foot too close to the frame. It's OK, I can live with it...

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Nice scene. Hard to believe these guys are homeless. The homeless around here are way too high to play musical instuments (passed out and horizontal on the steps usually), nor do they have nice boots and hats 😀.
Nice scene. Hard to believe these guys are homeless. The homeless around here are way too high to play musical instuments (passed out and horizontal on the steps usually), nor do they have nice boots and hats 😀.

I should get around and grab some images of all their little sidewalk bed setups one evening. It has me jealous at times!

Most of the homeless are in decent condition in the heart of Sydney come to think of it. ✅
I should get around and grab some images of all their little sidewalk bed setups one evening. It has me jealous at times!

Most of the homeless are in decent condition in the heart of Sydney come to think of it. ✅
You would be well served to use that long lens for that. Homeless people can get quite testy if they feel you are invading their privacy, if you can call it privacy. Stay safe my friend!
You would be well served to use that long lens for that. Homeless people can get quite testy if they feel you are invading their privacy, if you can call it privacy. Stay safe my friend!

They're just like anyone else, be polite and courteous and it's pretty rare that you'd get a negative reaction. 🙂
You would be well served to use that long lens for that.
Yup, and in some high drug use areas, the ground/pavement/walks are littered with things you really don't want to be walking on. Substance abuse is a growing problem for us with no real solutions on the horizon. That's not to say that all homeless people are addicts, the rising cost of housing and living expenses are creating hardships for good people. Then you have the segment suffering from mental illness, with no real facilities to care for them they either end up on the street or in prison.

While the image above is good, I'm ambivalent about photographing the inner city homeless here, unless it's to document the problem. As a VFFR for many years I saw first hand these people at their worst, some of those memories still haunt me. Snapping pictures of a convulsing addict in the midst of an OD or someone in an altered mental state, seems like adding insult to injury.
Yup, and in some high drug use areas, the ground/pavement/walks are littered with things you really don't want to be walking on. Substance abuse is a growing problem for us with no real solutions on the horizon. That's not to say that all homeless people are addicts, the rising cost of housing and living expenses are creating hardships for good people. Then you have the segment suffering from mental illness, with no real facilities to care for them they either end up on the street or in prison.

While the image above is good, I'm ambivalent about photographing the inner city homeless here, unless it's to document the problem. As a VFFR for many years I saw first hand these people at their worst, some of those memories still haunt me. Snapping pictures of a convulsing addict in the midst of an OD or someone in an altered mental state, seems like adding insult to injury.

I think there always has to be some form of mental illness at play when people are living in these kinds of conditions in most western countries, as there are so many avenues available which they can take in order to not live like that. I guess it is completely different to walk down George St in Sydney and connect with them on a very pleasant level, compared to parts of the US where they are literal zombies in an unpredictable drug induced trance.

Admittedly, the non homeless here are far more zombie like than the homeless are. A sea of phone addicted robots, in Sydney I'd happily be on the streets with them way before I'd be willing to be part of what is considered normal society. Though both are severely mentally impaired in my opinion.
I like this color version! It helps convey the atmosphere a little more, and the orange vest pops nicely without distracting. Sad to say, there are far to many homeless, and over here at least, there is a lot of apathy and indifference towards homelessness and mental health issues, to the point that in some places they've actually criminalized giving food and water to the homeless. I wonder how that will play with, "I was hungry and you didn't give me anything to eat, I was thirsty and you didn't give me anything to drink..." I'll stop before I get myself into trouble.
@ClintLloyd I fear continued conversation on the subject is approaching the no, no area.

Back on subject, the image is well composed and interesting.
I like the POV of the photo with the camera down low. There is a non-profit in my area that does outreach to the homeless and underserved. When they have their events it is strictly no photos. I donate to their Amazon wish list occasionally.
@ClintLloyd I fear continued conversation on the subject is approaching the no, no area.

I thought it has been a decent conversation by all to be honest. Although I don't understand how people can be homeless in countries which offer endless opportunities for the residents to live decent lives, if they aren't hurting anybody then they can do what they like. I know business owners and upper management types who are taking drugs throughout the day then drinking themselves to sleep each night. One has the stress of waking up and dealing with it all again the next day, the other gets to do whatever they want the next day. Neither is right in my opinion but it is what it is.

I did watch some videos on the San Francisco streets, it's horrible. The worst we see in Sydney is someone walking along talking to themselves really. I think that's why our views are so different here, our examples are two completely different things.
I like the POV of the photo with the camera down low. There is a non-profit in my area that does outreach to the homeless and underserved. When they have their events it is strictly no photos. I donate to their Amazon wish list occasionally.

Cheers Cheryl. Good on you, nice work! 🙂
thought it has been a decent conversation by all to be honest
It has been, but guidelines frown on political, social and religious commentary not directly related to photography in the open forums. It seems they invariably end in arguments. As you are a Supporting Member the Subscribers Forums aren't restricted.

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