High(ish) ISO at the Aquarium


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 8, 2012
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South Mississippi
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ISO 1600, Nikon 24-70, D850. Edited but no noise reduction applied.

DSC_0531 sm.jpg

DSC_0488 sm.jpg
Nice clean shots, I've used my 850 with that lens at much higher ISO and still get usable shots.
Nice clean shots, I've used my 850 with that lens at much higher ISO and still get usable shots.

Yeah, probably should've pushed it to get my shutter speed up. I'm an old school film guy and I still can't believe how these new sensors perform. Essentially, with a little PP there is very little difference between ISO 800 and 2000.
Nice clean shots, I've used my 850 with that lens at much higher ISO and still get usable shots.

Yeah, probably should've pushed it to get my shutter speed up. I'm an old school film guy and I still can't believe how these new sensors perform. Essentially, with a little PP there is very little difference between ISO 800 and 2000.

I've shot a few indoor night shots at 6400 1.8 or 2.2 and I'm super pleased with the results, I try always to stick as low as possible on the D850 but sometimes, it's really nice to know that safety is there, just touch the button, spin the wheel and you're in auto ISO for a few shots.. Best camera I've ever shot with..
Plenty good. I like the second fish. You are right....today's better sensors have the ISO 800 to ISO 2,000-ish zone down pat. And yes, it is amazing!
I'm a firm believer in shoot to get the image and worry about the noise later. Nice shot.

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