Help needed with Practika BMS!!


TPF Noob!
Jul 3, 2024
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Hi all,
Just joined as I'm In need of some help with my camera. Bear with me while I explain. I put a new roll of film in yesterday and made sure it was spooled properly.I then tested it out by taking a picture and advancing the lever as you do, however I then noticed that the dial (numbers that capture the shots taken) was not aligned with the needle and seems to have gone round too far so to speak. I also can't get the lever to advance and the shutter button doesn't fire. It's like it seized somewhere.

I've got a new battery in the camera and everything worked fine up until now. Light meter works, the led's light up in the viewfinder etc etc.

Given I had not taken any pictures with the new roll of film I opened the back to see if it's an issue with the loading of the film or spool etc but it looks like it's loaded fine. Could this be the shutter being stuck? I took the lense off and had a look inside by the mirror and can't see anything abnormal. The shutter curtain doesn't look partially open or stuck.

I use a Practika BMS electronic.

Can someone help? 🙏🏼

Can only suggest that you rewind the film--taking not to crank the leader back into the can--and try some dry fires.
You might shop the problem around at
Can only suggest that you rewind the film--taking not to crank the leader back into the can--and try some dry fires.
You might shop the problem around at
Hi Cgw, I tried that. I rewound the film back into the can and then removed it. Luckily this should be ok because there was nothing on it that could be exposed. For some reason the lever won't advance and doesn't make the crank sound. Shutter button is also not firing.

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