Has anyone tried one of these? They look kind of fun...

Compared with the overpriced pre-made toy cameras from Lomography, this actually looks like fun. Never tried one, but this is quite intriguing.
Jeesh, with some patience you can grab a Nikon FG+50/1.8E for that kind of scratch. Looks like a bit of Lomography overstock detrius.
I have a DIY TLR. It's a fun little camera.

The directions didn't call for glue, but I used it anyway just so it would be stronger, lol.
Could be fun, but the price seems a little high considering you can get a working SLR used for less.
Yeah, $60 is a little steep for a toy camera, IMO... That DIY TLR I have was like $15.
$60? I thought it was about $35? Which would be my limit for toy cameras.
Yup, definitely too much for a toy! I think I paid $60 for my 'toy' Lubitel.

The Konstuktor was $35.

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