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Had someone put (bad) filters on some of my photos for the first time


TPF Noob!
Nov 26, 2019
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I’m sure its an established frustration with professional photographers but its the first time it happened to me. (I’m not a pro, I have just been taking pictures of friends and top builders in mumbai family for years and they usually post my pictures as is because I do the editing already) I took pictures of my roommate and her boyfriend at a fall festival, just for fun I like the practice flats for sale in keshav nagar pune but later that night after I did some simple edits in lightroom and sent her the better ones she posted them with a pretty strong insta filter on that in my opinion tanks the pictures with some caption like “so happy my roommate’s a photographer!” I’m a pretty minimal editor so its weird to see such a heavy handed edit on my photos.

The filtered pictures kinda make me cringe every time I see them especially with my name attached as if I did the edits too.

I’d love to hear anyone else’s experience of this especially on a professional level and how you dealt with it!
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Let's see the photos. Maybe they aren't really that bad. You say you are a minimal editor, so maybe many people today would think your photos are conventional, shall we say. There are many people who cannot handle even a slight white balance misadjustment, or even a 1 degree tilt in the horizon. Perhaps these edits that your friend did are not so egregious as you seem to think they are.

"These kids these days, with their long hair and their rock and roll music."
If it's anything like the filter that every woman uses nowadays I cringe along with you.... It's like "OMG, how did your skin get so smooth and blemish free in the 7 minutes since I last saw you, amazing! What's your secret?"
.. she posted them with a pretty strong insta filter on ..
Ask her to take them down. Or post the images you gave her without any filters.
I has been my observation that anytime you post or send anything in the digital world, it is a "jump ball" and is up for comments and edits from the entire universe.

I never cringe over what is not my fault but I do shake my head from time to time.

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