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Gr...Annie Get Your Gun.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 22, 2011
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Lincoln, England
Can others edit my Photos
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Granny (69) and I did a home shoot earlier this week, the first in quite a while. The shoot was inspired by the old Avengers TV series from the 1960s (just inspired by, not attempting to re-create).
Before anyone lectures me on gun safety ( ;) )the prop is a replica Webley & Scott model .455 mk VI airsoft pistol with the CO2 cylinder removed and the pellet holders unloaded. Despite this we opened and inspected (proved) the weapon before each series of shots. In real life Granny is a natural 1st class shot; when we lived in the States I took her shooting for the 1st time in her life with my S&W model 27 .357 magnum (a big gun) she took to it like a duck to water and by the end of half an hour on the range she was out-shooting me!

Costuming from various charity shops, wigs from ebay. Software used was Lightroom 5, PS CS6 (to correct some burned out areas of skin), PortraitPro21 (to remove 10 years or so) and Portrait Pro Body 3 (to give her the figure she could never have without having ribs surgically removed).

I'm not particularly looking for C&C but never turn my nose up at it. :)



3 (Background light failed to flash as I didn't give it enough time to recharge.)

4 (I should have moved my main light to the other side of the room, out of practice.)

Once you get to a certain point in proficiency, the rest is up to the model to take it to the next level. "Granny" is one of those rare individuals that's more than just a subject, she exudes the character and makes it come to life.

I always enjoy these! I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite. The only niggle I have are the specular highlights on the shiny black vinyl, though I'm not sure I would have a solution for abating them other than post.
...The only niggle I have are the specular highlights on the shiny black vinyl, though I'm not sure I would have a solution for abating them other than post.

Thanks, if the photos were for anything more than fun I'd probably take the time to clone them out. As it is... I'll use the lazy argument that they add to the shiny fabric vibe. ;)
Grrrooowwwlllllll grooovy!!!

Where is David McCallum when you need him?
love these photos.. super women..

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