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Full-time Pro. New to the PhotoForum !

Welcome to the site. Look forward to seeing some of your work.
Welcome, Sir. I look forward to seeing your work as well and hopefully learning as much as possible from you. I'm still "new" to the site myself, we have some great people here.
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Kathy, good questions; I know I'm bucking a trend, but our marketing team have broken us of the habbit of using the word "shoot" except when I have a gun in my hands! Soooo, the images that are my most favorite to create are of people involved with whatever they are the most passionate about.
People with their children, their horses, their cars or motorcycles, their pets. I like STORYTELLING--hence the name of our studio!
Your question about the changes in technology and adapting....At first it was having to buy TWO new DLSR bodies every year (starting in 2000) just to keep up with the generational improvement in camera sensors--at $2500 per body that added-up! And we had to have TWO bodies at all times for backup because we also did weddings.
In the OLD DAYS we kept our Professional Medium Format cameras for 10 or 20 years and the FILM improved over time--a far less costly way of doing business! Now we're hooked on hardware upgrades--computers AND cameras--every 2 or 3 years.
P.S. take a look at some of my images in my new gallery....Take care, Jerry V.

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