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Fujifilm and Kodak Corp. Histories

This weekend my wife found my old Yashica FX-103 with a 35mm - 210mm zoom and 50mm prime, and now I'm tempted to buy a few rolls of film on Amazon. After looking at various sites, I would probably go wih Mpix Photo Lab to develop, but as noted, the combined cost of film and developing is kinda steep, and digital does an excellent job. She also found a Minolta X-700, and in a drawer I have a Zenit ET with a Helios 58mm prime. So much temptation to buy some film.
This weekend my wife found my old Yashica FX-103 with a 35mm - 210mm zoom and 50mm prime, and now I'm tempted to buy a few rolls of film on Amazon. After looking at various sites, I would probably go wih Mpix Photo Lab to develop, but as noted, the combined cost of film and developing is kinda steep, and digital does an excellent job. She also found a Minolta X-700, and in a drawer I have a Zenit ET with a Helios 58mm prime. So much temptation to buy some film.
Still viable for fun if the old film "ecosystem" remains intact in your area. The one-two punch of higher film prices and scarce/absent labs kills it often. For me, 35mm is mostly over. Medium format I still like for b&w DSLR scans. Go for a couple rolls and see if you think it's worth it.
You need to do some serious research on that site, dude. You're way off the mark. Put less politely--wrong!
Processing factory? Seriously?

Well, the bottom line is that I've never been that interested in it to find out what actually went on in the building. If you can tell us more about it, you have raised my curiosity about it. I do know that in recent years it has been used as a location for TV productions, and maybe movies. Beyond that, I know that it's big and it's white. :) I should also add that when I took the above pictures, I wandered around on foot, and frankly I was not really happy with the pictures I got. If you are interested enough in it, you might try to find someone with a good drone for a better set. The whole area had "potential", but I'm never going to do it. . . .
Well, the bottom line is that I've never been that interested in it to find out what actually went on in the building. If you can tell us more about it, you have raised my curiosity about it. I do know that in recent years it has been used as a location for TV productions, and maybe movies. Beyond that, I know that it's big and it's white. :) I should also add that when I took the above pictures, I wandered around on foot, and hostedfrankly I was not really happy with the pictures I got. If you are interested enough in it, you might try to find someone with a good drone for a better set. The whole area had "potential", but I'm never going to do it. . . .
Just Google "Kodak Heights." You shot the small surviving portion of a once-large manufacturing site. The huge long-gone film coating alleys did mostly motion picture materials. Old "Building 9" in your photo was the Employee Rec Centre. The property allegedly still has some ground contamination issues.
I did the 'Google "Kodak Heights"' and did some reading. Very interesting. I was surprised how significant it seems to have been. I wonder now about the company's historical physical structures globally. I wonder how many complexes they had like that around North America?

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