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From onboard MS Spirit of Adventure


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Jun 1, 2010
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At the moment I am on a SAGA cruiseship going around the UK for 10 days of its 16 day schedule. We set off from Tilbury around 6pm and bow we have lots of murk and mist.

GFX 100s GF 32 - 64 1/4 f/32 ISO 50

Tilbury docks by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Looking towards Southend-on Sea. It has the longest pleasure pier in the world at 1.33 miles long. You can just about see it...

GF 100 - 200

Looking towards Southend by singingsnapper, on Flickr

a handheld 1.2 second exposure from the sun deck after midnight GF 32 - 64 ISO 1600 f/4

Midnight onboard_ by singingsnapper, on Flickr
Nice set. #2 and 3 are pretty cool, 3 being the coolest. You can easily see the pier in #2 if you click on the pic and then zoom in.

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