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Four of Risin og Kellingin, on the Faroe Islands


Fine Art Landscape Photographer
Nov 24, 2017
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Tuscany, Italy
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When I go around photographing, I always love to learn about the myths and legends attached to the places I shoot. I find them to be very inspiring, and when I can't find any, I always make up stories of my own instead.

Risin og Kellingin, or The Giant and The Witch, are two sea stacks off the coasts of Eysturoy, on the Faroe Islands. Legends tell that the two of them went from Iceland to Faroe to reclaim the islands, and bring them back. However, their nighttime attempts to pull the Faroes back to Iceland failed, and as morning's first light shone on them, it turned them into stone, and there they stood since.

Here's four different images of Risin og Kellingin, taken on four different days from three different viewpoints:


Phase One IQ4, XT - Rodenstock 90mm, 2 minutes Frame Averaging at f/11


Phase One IQ4, XT - Rodenstock 23mm, 4 minutes Frame Averaging at f/13


Phase One IQ4, Hasselblad 180mm V, 1/20 seconds exposure at f/11


Phase One IQ4, Hasselblad 180mm V, 1/30 seconds exposure at f/11

Can't wait to be back there in March! Thank you for viewing & commenting, best regards

Very nice shots as always.

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