First Time poster , Lighter tripod recommendation.


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Jul 12, 2020
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Hello all, firstly I'd like to say that I'm a little sore from a previous workout, so that may be influencing me at the moment, but that besides the point.

Today, on a bargain, I picked up a Bogen 3035 tripod with a 3047 head. This is a beautiful tripod but almost prohibitively heavy especially with something like a Mamiya c3 attached.To really make use of it, seems I'll be driving it around to sites for landscape photography that doesn't require much on foot traveling.

My question is can someone recommend a tripod that can firmly hold the weight of a C3 or Mamiya universal without being ridiculously heavy? Something that wont kill me during a walk around Manhattan or hike . For reference I am a 22yo male. Also I frequently use my Mamiya 645
My question is can someone recommend a tripod that can firmly hold the weight of a C3 or Mamiya universal without being ridiculously heavy?
In general, there are three main categories of tripod: Expensive, Light weight, and Sturdy. You will probably be looking for something with all three attributes.

10 Recommended Full-Sized Tripods

My sympathies to your wallet.
What Designer said. Welcome to the forum!

I use Red Snapper for general stuff.
A Manfrotto 055 would be more than adequate for a 6x6 camera. Hits a sweet spot for me for mobile medium format. A medium weight ball head would do.
It might be obvious, but don't rule out eBay. I found a gently used Gitzo Mountaineer 1 for a great price, and a ball head for a pretty good price. That let me convince myself to get the lower-fstop lens, lol!
Not sure what your camera weighs but have a look at the manfrotto site the list how much a tripod and ball head can cope with
My suggestion would be is a tripod is borderline on weight, go up a grade, have something left in reserve if you decide to add other items

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