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Finally .. two lenses for my Tachihara!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 30, 2006
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It took some time, but I managed to get two lenses that seem a good start for my Tachihara 4x5, a Convertible 150mm lens and a short lens:

  • A 1961 Schneider Kreuznach Symmar 5,6/150 convertible lens with a Synchro Compur shutter

  • A 1967 Schneider Kreuznach Super Angulon 5,6/75
1. Schneider Kreuznach Symmar 5,6/150 convertible lens with a Synchro Compur shutter

2: rear element, shutter and front element (from left to right):

3: Mounting the lens on a Linhof Technika lensboard

4. Ready to go! (Well ,still have to close that hole from the Linhof Rapid release adapter):

5: A Super Angulon 5,6/75 on a recessed Technika lensboard:
any headroom with the 75?

of course camera movements are limited, but when playing with it (not taken images yet), it seemed not too bad.
I had an earlier 90mm SA, it didn't have any headroom at all but otherwise covered 4x5 ok. Ended up selling it for a modern Nikkor 135mm
I had an earlier 90mm SA, it didn't have any headroom at all but otherwise covered 4x5 ok. Ended up selling it for a modern Nikkor 135mm

Nominally the image circle is almost 200mm ... but what it means in practice will have to show ...
Looks good, Alex!

Check out this thread, it might make things easier to carry.

6x12 with movements (tilt)

Thought of smaller formats ... but I am stubborn here ;)

Not instead of, in addition to.

You can only carry so much film, save the 4x5 for the really good shots and use the roll film for the things you'd like to keep but don't measure up to the worth of a 4x5 neg.

Also, your wide lens should have room for plenty of movement on the roll film.

Best of both worlds.

In any case, it's your back. ;)
Looks good, Alex!

Check out this thread, it might make things easier to carry.

6x12 with movements (tilt)

Thought of smaller formats ... but I am stubborn here ;)

Not instead of, in addition to.

You can only carry so much film, save the 4x5 for the really good shots and use the roll film for the things you'd like to keep but don't measure up to the worth of a 4x5 neg.

Also, your wide lens should have room for plenty of movement on the roll film.

Best of both worlds.

In any case, it's your back. ;)

As in "camera back" ? ;)

Anyway, I will experiment with several things :)
I always likes the idea of roll film on the view camera, and had a 6x7 back for a while, but found I just didn't use it as much as I thought I would.
I always likes the idea of roll film on the view camera, and had a 6x7 back for a while, but found I just didn't use it as much as I thought I would.

With this camera I am not going for many images per day when on a trip ... maybe 2 or 3 per day at maximum.

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