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Eye of the Tiger


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Jul 10, 2014
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The eyepiece/cup that covers the viewfinder came off and its gone ferrel :disgust:. I know its meant to be removable but like everything once its popped it can't stop. :eyebrows:

Is there a way to stop this from happening if I get a new one. DK21 part code.
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So there isn't then ?
Is there a way to stop this from happening if I get a new one. DK21 part code.
Verify that the fit is snug, and maybe if you need extra security, apply a drop of super glue.
Fasten a string to it, then loop it over the camera, so if it comes off it won't go far??? Or if that isn't hip enough you can buy inexpensive gold or silver chain by the foot. :calm: Or you could do like some of the gas stations here do with the key to restroom - they attach it to a big piece of steel flat bar and paint it fluorescent orange.:bouncingsmileys:
Duct Tape.webp
I bought two the last time I picked one up (just about the cheapest Nikon product both in price and quality). The original had developed a small crack and it finally fell off in a stream and now I am on the last of my spares. This is one reason I prefer the thread-on type used on the D810 and such.
Don't listen to gryffie - duct tape leaves a sticky residue and is intended for industrial use, not the fine arts. Use gaffing tape. It's as strong as duct tape but cleaner with the goo. Of course, it costs three to five times what duct tape costs, but it will show you are in the fine arts.
This must be a common thing,I seen a few people walking about with Nikons No more eyecup and recently Canon 5D mark III gone missing to. Mine have never fell off but I changed mine out with a Hoodman Hoodeye fits over really tight and wraps around close to your face and blocks the stray light and glare. It does block at the top portion of the LCD though.
I ware glasses, I've seen other pieces online has anyone had experiences with different eyepieces for nikon

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