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TPF Noob!
Mar 1, 2025
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"The Dunk"
What was the goal?
I am trying to tell the story of "The Dunk" by leading lines of the main antler beams and neck all pointed to the dunk.

Did I achieve my goal?
I think so, by editing as "low key" because the background foliage was not part of the story.
There are no distracting bright reflections from the water and the "dunk" is the main story.

If I could, what would I change?
I would position myself to the right to add more depth to the photo.
Unfortunately, there was dense forest to my right and that was not possible.

What critique am I looking for?
Any constructive suggestions.

Bull elk near sunset last July.
Canon R5, RF 800mm prime fixed at F/11, 1/1000 sec, ISO-2000.
Minimal cropping, I did edit this as "low key" so the background foliage does not interfere with the main subject.
The lens is unique that it is a "budget prime lens at 800mm", but it is fixed at F11 so requires sufficient light.
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Post has been flagged for non compliance with C&C Guidelines. If not edited for compliance, it will be deleted or moved.
Edited the original post:
I am trying to tell the story of "The Dunk" by leading lines of the main antler beams and neck all pointed to the dunk.
I edited as "low key" because the background foliage was not part of the story.
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Edited the original post:
I am trying to tell the story of "The Dunk" by leading lines of the main antler beams and neck all pointed to the dunk.
I edited as "low key" because the background foliage was not part of the story.

As this is not a place for gallery display, but serious critique, questions and answrers please expand on your post to include things like

What was the goal?
What image did you have in mind when you took the image?
Was there a specific learning goal?

Did I achieve my goal?
This is where you honestly look at your own image. Do you see anything that looks off, takes your attention away from the subject, etc.

If I could, what would I change?
Everyone should be able to answer this one. There's always that one or two things that you could have done different/better.

What critique am I looking for?
General critique will get you general feedback. Try and find what you think you need help with and lay it out for us to provide assistance. This will not limit the feedback you get but will ensure that you do get feedback on this topic.

By including this information, it helps respondents provide pointed answers and critique.
Post has been flagged for non compliance with C&C Guidelines. If not edited for compliance, it will be deleted or moved.
Edited the original post:
"The Dunk"
What was the goal?
I am trying to tell the story of "The Dunk" by leading lines of the main antler beams and neck all pointed to the dunk.

Did I achieve my goal?
I think so, by editing as "low key" because the background foliage was not part of the story.

If I could, what would I change?
I would position myself to the right to add more depth to the photo.

What critique am I looking for?
Any constructive suggestions.

Bull elk near sunset last July.
Canon R5, RF 800mm prime fixed at F/11, 1/1000 sec, ISO-2000.
Minimal cropping, I did edit this as "low key" so the background foliage does not interfere with the main subject.
The lens is unique that it is a "budget prime lens at 800mm", but it is fixed at F11 so requires sufficient light.

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